24kt Silver

After paying my Obamacare deductible, I cannot afford an iPhone!!!

Outrageous I say! Outrageous. Now I’m terrified.

YUP, except with the Israeli Prime Minister standing right next to him...

Having a good laugh about someone with clear mental illness?

True. California is a representative democracy but has a direct democracy in the form of Propositions. While providing direct control to the voters, the system has fostered California to become de facto bankrupt. Mob rule isn’t so wonderful after all.

Uhh, Bernie Sanders epic primary run wasn’t socialist enough for you?

This is quite curios Terrell. The 2 active duty SEAL operators I know had absolutely no problem with last night.

Black Trucks Matter.

Thanks Eeyore.

Shit, give a technician a couple grand — maybe a little more to allow him to spread the love, and this could totally get done. Spend $3-4k to make $75k in reversal of depreciation.

Buy this and then give rap history tours. Wouldn’t be in good taste, but you could recoup your money in say...10 years.

Current federal law provides that intentionally shooting down drones is illegal *even if they are over your own property.*

Best written article on Jalopnik all year, hands down. Good job Ryan.


Car felt faster than it was, namely because it had good handling, a decent exhaust and engine noise. I had a ‘99 G20, but sadly my 74 Alfa (with stock SPICA) was faster.

If European countries must divert more of their budgets to NATO obligations, that’s less money to prop up their failed socialism experiments.

Yep. And you’d have the same legitimacy as the leader of every country in the Mid East.

These boats are for the leisurely Miami-Bimini run. Which you can make 4-5 times a day, even in moderate chop - better on an emptier stomach. Sometimes you need to divert to the Keys.

The Russian crime is that they shined a light on the incestuous Democratic rigged results. Remember the HEAD of a major Political party — the DNC, was forced to resign over that shit.

You presume Russians are “in front”. When it comes to economic hacking that may well be true.