24kt Silver

They need to save money, they are losing it at prodigious rates — faster than a dot.com circa 2000.

Alfa seems to keep the bean counters at bay when it comes to actual design (interiors are another story though!)

NEWS FLASH: The Chinese don’t give a fuck!

In other words, a faithful representation of North American pop culture.

It looks like junior Eminem’s dad whispered his lyrics to him.

Once again irony - unfortunately you are completely and totally ignorant.


Even more sad is if your own party hires homeless people and mentally ill to stage fake altercations and mini riots.

Kinda like how you dodge taxes with a mortgage interest deduction?

The Macan is much more expensive than an Audi Q5. The more apt comparison (of a V6 Macan) is with the Audi SQ5, which is highly capable and enjoyable to drive.

When it comes to democracy, the main stream media couldn’t give two fucks.

Well, Virginia IS for Lovers...

Mine will be delivered 12/26. I plan on taking a trial run down to Cuba to pick me up some sweet Cohibas. Then on to Colombia for a little ‘import export’.

99% of the time these armored truck robbery jobs are inside jobs using friends or prior employees. Although this guard does seem to be rather incompetent.

So here’s a lesson in economic enabling:

Ahh yes, but these are limited edition amphibious Chevys...

In the late 80s my buddy and I would drag race out on desert roads - he in his parent’s new, first gen Acura Legend and me in my first gen Nissan Maxima.

Since Wharton disowned Trump (I bet they are regretting that shit now), I think Syracuse should give him an honorary degree, and he could be an official Orangeman!

Heaven help us...