
Yea, turns out being pushed out of a royal vagina doesn’t actually make you any smarter, moral, or more fit to govern people.

Royal lineage is BS anyway.

Too late to ETA previous reply. Thought I added this image. I just can’t think of any other time where I saw a coo holding​ on to someone like this. Especially when​ it’s for crowd control measures.

Wait a mo...Pizzagate?!? What rock was I buried under? I had no idea he played apart in that paranoid fiasco, nevermind having to apologise for it.

“IANAL”😕...off to Google....ohhhhh. I get it now.

Fucking A indeed!

Finished watching. And I must say you’ve done a public service for sharing this. Bless you my sweet child.

Appropriate, since there are active bacteria in his words too. (But not healthy ones).

I would have bankrupted the fucker.

Alex Jones is a waste of human cells.

That’s disappointing. That’s serious defamation and this asshole should have had to shell out six figures.

This video is amazing.

The amount was symbolic. What Chobani wanted to do was make this asshole eat his words and they have succeeded in doing that.

Now playing

Found it. Apology starts at 45 seconds. The vid creator had the ingenious idea to queue Jones’s original chest puffing ahead of it, lol.

And for $10,000 it’d take a lot of denial for anyone to not laugh at Jones should he say “Chobani did it for the money”.

The lawsuit wasn’t about the money whatsoever. I love Chobani for this. In fact, I would have loved if they sued for $1 of damages.

This article misstated the amount. In fact the lawsuit sought at least 10K in damages, not a max of 10K (which I believe was done to keep it out of small claims, but IANAL)

I hope a lawyer can confirm but perhaps they just wanted to drag him into court/get a retraction and never cared about the money. Which, if true, is fucking awesome.

Don’t get me wrong I realize you have to prove damages damages​. But I thought in addition to actual damages, you could recoup some kind of punitive damages. As a punishment so he’s not encouraged to spread more lies about another company. I’m not a lawyer so I have zero idea if punitive damages is even a real thing.