Eel St. Louis

I thought I’d whine somewhat anonymously.

Do you have any friends (or the Bartender) to spend time with, even if it’s not specifically festive? Holidays can suck, but if you can find a way to de-emphasize what you “should” be doing and just spend a bit of time with the people who do matter, it can help.

I’m feeling very holiday-unhappy. I’m trying to look ahead but holidays bring so many unwanted, dreadful memories and feelings from growing up with that absolute hell vortex of a family. Plus I don’t have any gift exchanging or parties to go to or anything. It's a very dragged-down feeling. 

Not a gift, really, but after reading some of these comments, I think this is a good place to share my tale of woe.

Oh, cripes! I just reread the article and realized this was supposed to be for rude gifts you’ve given, not received. Uh, well, I guess I have a few of those. I tend to panic around the holidays if I don’t have a gift in mind for someone, and if I’m panicked enough I’ll just buy the first thing I think of, so I’ve

One year my then-boyfriend spent Christmas with my family because his lived far away. He received presents from everyone and was included in every way.

Ooh! Ooh! I don’t know if it’s actually “insulting” but... The year that I came out (in like November, I think) my very religious mother gave me for Christmas 1) a Bible with my name gilded on the cover, 2) a book titled “God Can Give You A New Beginning”, and 3) a stress ball.

I could post about 15 of these with gifts from my dad. He gave me a piece of scrap metal once. I was in college. My brothers got one too.

Recycling this from last year: My dad never gave gifts to his kids, relying on Mom to pick something suitable “from both your father and I.” He wasn’t really interested in me or my life until he learned I was into Star Wars, which is literally the only thing we have in common. He got very excited when I came home from

“What the fuck is wrong with your parents?”

My cousin’s toddler was the target of a failed kidnapping in a mall, mid 80s. That year I gave my sis-in-law a leash for her 3 yr. old daughter. In my defense, the child was the youngest of 3, with a knack for sudden disappearances. I meant no harm but Sis is still pissed, I had no kids yet and fully stepped on her

For Christmas when I was around 12, my parents put a huge bag of cotton balls in my stocking. I had to pretend they were from Santa for my little sister’s sake, but I looked at my parents, puzzled and asked, “I wonder what these are for.” My dad explained, “I don’t know, but maybe in case you need to fill out your bra

So every future potential employer or date who googles him will find this story. Seems like a fitting punishment since I doubt he'll get much prison time, unfortunately 

Is that a Burberry tracksuit? Pajamas? Are Chavs still a thing? lol

I have been looking for a new job for close to 6 months and I have gotten all of two interviews. I’ve put in 4 years at one of the top hospitals in the country and it’s like little league soccer, only my parents seem to care. Almost every piece of interview/ resume advice I seem amounts to “play mind games with a

Roman Holiday. Does that count?

It’s been a long week here. Two officer involved shootings in Wisconsin, where I teach high school. It’s so difficult for students because none of this makes a goddamn bit of sense. And all I can do is tell them I love them, that someone does care about them, and that I’ll do whatever I can to ensure their well being.

Hello Jezzies! A general PSA to remember to flag and dismiss, and never feed the trolls. They are out and about this week. 😒

Cherie, this issue is not about responding to the Pearl Harbor attack and entering the war, the issue is about rounding up American citizens who were not involved in that based strictly on their race.

It is part of the shameful history of America that we put the Japanese into concentration camps, just like it is shameful that we put children in cages at our concentration camps for migrants at the Southern border.