Eel St. Louis

Well, he does lose his shit on a daily basis, so...

(apologies to the estates of both Fredo and John Cazale)

I realize this guy is a moron, but why in the hillbilly fuck would he even agree to go on this show? And his plastic faced lawyer Barbie? You’d think even they could see result from a mile away. Did they just own the libs?

Yes, I am aware of that, but they certainly have more money than ME. I’m over here with my Murad, Roc, various eye creams, and other fun face stuff and my skin looks FANTASTIC. And I’m a coupon-clipping, cheap ass motherfucker who has way more chores on my daily todo list than she has in year. 

And yet she’s more articulate than her husband.

As well as a clip of her full-throatedly peddling birther bullshit on Fox News.

I will never understand this family supposedly having the most of all the monies and still managing to get the absolute worst plastic surgery. Melania. Girl. How the frig do you have access to ANY doctor you want and have skin like that? *shudder* Get some ROC on that skin or something....

It would be like the life-struggle setup of a dark fairy tale: evil Disney villainess puts hex on infant; curse follows child into young adulthood. Child eventually shakes off the spell and the villainess gets her comeuppance. (And frankly, “Melania” is a perfect name for a Disney villainess)

They even largely hate each other.

Please don’t make me choose between people who openly root for the Patriots and the scowling, apathetic 3rd wife of the worst president in US history. Please.

At the very least, Ms Girard (of Ecuador) and/or Ms Crevecoeur (of Haiti) could give Mrs Trump an English lesson, as they are both more erudite and articulate in their (presumably) second language than is the lady from Slovenia.

To be fair, Boston hates everything except for their sports teams.


This is unrelated to your comment but I know those puppets and exactly what sound they make from babysitting my little brother a million years ago. They are the yip yip yip baha aliens lol.

Haha, Thanks! Yes, let’s sit together and drink and be petty!! Grudges? pshhh, I have a ‘list of people to punch in the face’ that includes people I have not laid eyes on in over 10 years. But they’re still there on that list and if I see them and I have bail money.....well....we’ll see....

Here’s a new, permanent invite link hot off the presses:

I think a thing is that I am responsible for my cat, but I am not responsible for my grandmother. My cat depends on me, his health is in my hands. If his health fails prematurely, then I failed him.

My idea of the afterlife is guarded by this exact creature.  I will be so disappointed if he isn't there waiting for me.

One of the fundamental things that G/O media doesn’t seem to understand is that talented though the writers are/were, the community, despite kinja issues and the greying, also jumped in with great stuff AND THEY DO/DID IT FOR FREE.

I submit this hellhound.