Eel St. Louis

LOL! You noticed, it was Prince Michael who walked into dinner at BP with Sarah Huckabee Saunders. Coincidence? I think not!!

Watching this now, ‘Re-write’ and liking it very much. Much better than Music and Lyrics, imo. Just personal taste. I love how Binghampton is depicted just like the north of France-always raining. Ha!

God, very grim.

I think I saw that movie in French, on a plane I believe. It just wasn’t my kind of thing, and even the English version didn’t hold much interest for me. With apologies to Meryl Streep. I’m usually a huge fan of her work. The film critic from KUNC agrees with you, though. “Director Stephen Frears got from Hugh Grant

Yes! And based on your observation I plan to watch it again, with the emphasis on Adrian Scarborough’s work, who you mentioned. It’s hot here already in the desert, and I’m locked up inside for half the day. And will be all summer. Thank god for wifi!

Not a great movie, and the songs were a bit grating. But Hugh had some great lines, I often find him funny. I read in the credits, that was actually him singing-shocker! Thanks for the recommendation. 

Oh, important exception: Impromptu. Huge was great playing a tubercular Chopin with the great Judy Davis as George Sand. That was an early indication of his potential.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a try. :-)

Hugh Grant believes he is “too old and ugly and fat,” to make rom-coms, which is great because he’s currently doing the best work of his career.” You said it! A Very English Scandal was wonderful and Hugh was huge in it, no question. And even in the recent Paddington 2, he was the hilariously evil villain that

That is a whole lotta foxglove!

Now playing

“How could they possibly miss a mom they never met?” I have a theory:

Now playing

This seems like a very highly random choice, Sheridan Smith singing classic war tunes from the 40s? Any idea why it was she who was chosen to perform this number?

Well to be fair, W got us into a pointless war that killed a lot of people. So despite his comedic value as a former president and eternal goofball, he is measurably worse. So far, that is.

Who’s a good boy?


IDK, I don’t think we’re apathetic. My neighbors and circle of friends, my colleagues at work, we are pretty united in our support of liberal, progressive causes that support the rights of all people and want government to assist the most vulneable people in our society, including immigrants. I’m only just saying that

I honestly turn off volume of TV (national news) or car radio (NPR) when tRumps voices starts to bloviate out of the speakers. I can’t tolerate listening to him, either. 

Talking to a Canadian friend a few months ago-she observed that US Americans were “apathetic”. We’re not apathetic so much as we are just fucking exhausted after the last 3 years. What a clusterfuck!