German Sense of Humor

Because as we all know WB Executives are only aware of only four DC stories at any given time: Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, and Death of Superman.

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“So does this mean that LaLa Anthony isn’t going to be in the new Solo movie?”

He should’ve played Ramo Elttil, a much feared bounty hunter from the mean streets of Coruscant. “Ramo comin’”, they’d say.

I always had this idea (don’t know where it came from, maybe the Star Wars RPG) that those Mon Calamari ships weren’t meant to be warships, but were originally luxury cruisers. So Ackbar was basically Captain Stubing before the Rebellion. Now THERE’s a Star Wars movie!

The reason why they used Holdo instead of Ackbar was because we know the latter and trust him.

When are we going to get a series about Admiral Ackbar?

god the final seasons of Medium were batshit

Fairway, My Lovely was just the best. The whole world gushing over the sexual magnetism of THIS guy. “He was kind of smelly. . .” “Those are called PHEROMONES Andy!”

If a Hallmark Xmas movie does not include Santa (whose presence mandates the addition of the ‘big city girl who learns a lesson about the true meaning of Christmas’) then it has to include the widowed young mother who is emotionally closed off but opens up to the handsome gazebo builder in her small town, while

Medium and The Ghost Whisperer invented the genre of hot women with big boobs who talk to ghosts and solve mysteries, which had never occurred to me was a thing before, but now that I know it exists, makes me incredibly proud to be an American.

My big problem with Medium is that it was based on the lies of an real life fraud, thus enriching her. I’m cool with fictional psychics only as long as they’re truly fictional.

The problem is that Spielberg’s films that were adapted from other media usually tended to have a plot. RPO barely has a plot that’s really only there as a vehicle to remind the reader that things from the 80's exsisted.

There was a show in the 80's where everyday people were trained and recruited for secret missions. Tim McCarver thwarted a Ninja with a catcher’s mitt and baseball. True story.

No. 6

Hallmark Movies & Mysteries are amazingly shameless about having series about people from unlikely professions solving murder mysteries. Brooke Shields as a florist, Kellie Martin as a bookshop owner, Alison Sweeney as a baker, Courtney Thorne-Smith as an archaeologist, and Jewel as a home renovator have all helped

You forgot Devil.

All music videos are commercials. Commercials can be well-made.

Or the giant sewer fish from those other song, who was indeed fuckable.

There’s also the dad-learning-about-the-importance-of-family Jack Frost and the Murder-a-naked-chick-with-an-icicle Jack Frost.