German Sense of Humor

Transubstantiation because Maura dies drunk on wine? I’m reaching.

I assume by “pull a Bewitched” you mean replace Tambor with a different actor with the same first name, in which case I’d like to suggest Jeffrey Wright.

‘claiming that he’s leaving because of the “politicized atmosphere” that now exists on the show’s set’

Dan Forden? I think MKI was 1990, though.

I thought Lane’s sudden realization that she couldn’t bring herself to have sex before marriage was one of the most realistic things ever shown on the series. When you grow up in a religious and strictly celibate household, that conditioning doesn’t magically go away even if you decide to become a stone-cold atheist

We can’t even exclude Saul from Tarsus...

“Co-co movie magic!” - Inspector Gadget’s movie review.

The David Suchet version is the best Poirot with one caveat. Skip his Murder on the Orient Express and watch Sidney Lumet’s 1974 version. First off, it’s Sidney Lumet directed (12 Angry Men, Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico etc, etc) and second it’s got a cast list that’s a gift from on high.

As others have said in these comments, David Suchet’s Poirot is definitive, so if you can get those, check them out (not all perfect, but scarcely bettered on screen). There’s a very good chance that Suchet will match the Poirot in your head pretty closely. 

You just missed David Suchet’s Poirot on Netflix, although I imagine it will come around again eventually. His take on the character is considered definitive, much like Jeremy Brett’s Sherlock.

Roughly, “ ‘Ercule Pwa-row.”

I’m just glad to see (based on the plot description, anyway), that this is not exactly the same movie as The Book of Life, however much it may have seemed that way from the marketing.

You joke, but Alex and I seriously reserve A for potential best-of-the-year-grade all-timers. For grades to have value, you have to manage them like an economy; we’re conscious of inflation.

Oh, good one! Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci really elevate that movie above the book.

I fear the sentence, ‘As of press time ______ has not been accused of being a sex creep.’, will now be added to the end of every political/celebrity story for the foreseeable future.

Wrong Doug Jones. This one is the duplicate of Dale Cooper.

We have to hope that reason and morality will win out in Alabama.

I don’t know... her husband, the ice clown who lost his town crown could carry a lot of baggage for her.

Lucille Bluth is way too directly crass. Emily is all about the put-down that isn’t a put-down (unless it’s Shira Huntzberger, but she deserved it), savaging your will to live and cleverly manipulating you without ever cracking her facade that she’s working in your best interests.