
It’s uplifting till they start shoving these losers at women. At which point what they ought to be saying to them is “bro, let’s be real, you don’t take care of anything, not even yourself reliably yet. We are not going to encourage you go to after some woman to recruit into your caretaker, cook, housemaid, life

Also just ass-laziness.

Oh hellll no. No, I do not care that staff feels are feeling bruised. I have to deal with this shit all the time, and there’s never. any. end to it. You need a break? Fine. You want my ear? Fine. But endless delays, endless “I don’t feel my concerns are heard,” endless “now I have this need — oh no, now I have another

Okay. Those people saying she wasn’t squished — yeah, she was. They’re both overflowing into her seat. Does that mean she had to be rude about it? No. She could’ve asked to be moved without the third-person-invisible routine, and they might’ve taken offense at that, but I think this is not her problem. When I fly I

No shit. I couldn’t believe that bullshit, that “train your man” garbage. Hell with it. Some other woman was dumb enough to marry mine, and now she carries him. Set him up in a house and a business and everything. She does seem to have a habit of deciding that’s enough and packing up after a few years with a partner,

Yup. I made a list like that once. I’m divorced now. Don’t regret it a bit, because one thing I did not need on the list was “pick up his motherfucking socks again” and of course the whole mgmt of the able-bodied man who kept talking about how able he was while not actually doing very much without practically being

this is 4000% ordinary for mothers.

He will not notice it until the things he personally wants are not there. Then, when they aren’t there, it’ll be her fault. And he will not lift a finger to remedy the situation. He’ll just bitch about it now and then for the next 20 years, about how it used to be so  nice when.

Unconvinced you’re worth talking to.

I actually don’t care at all about Pixar.

I don’t understand why he’s the head of anything after all that. Why not put him to work in a majority-women workspace so he can be rehabilitated into society? And pay them double for it.

Oh. Dude is fugly, too.

I hardly ever think about men’s attention now. I don’t think about whether or not I’m attractive to men, and I can’t really believe how much of my precious time on this earth I spent thinking about such things. I hear a guy like this talking and I wonder if he has any idea what a jackass he sounds like. What woman of

For real. “I’m his only friend —”

Okay, so she’s gotten them halfway to adult and they seem fine, she works harder than you ever will in your life and has zero days off, she’s managed not to commit suicide, but most def, you go ahead and judge.

And you know this because you’re...everyone.


No, they do not want to protect women. Look at how many get convicted for abusing women. And those are the ones who’re so egregious about it that they’re actually caught and prosecuted.

I’m not really a fan of involving any men in my life, but I definitely would not date a cop.

That’s right, and that’s true in every situation, whether it’s about ordering dinner or about seeing justice done after you’ve been raped.

I usually opt for screaming hysterical furious woman. It shocks the living daylights out of every single man, but something usually gets done. I also tell men regularly that I

She answered your questions in the interview.

Oh my god, you’re so hung up here on the “only desperate women would do this” thing, when all you have to do is read the article to see that this is just not the case.