Honestly shut up. You’re a damn fool, you do blame women for getting raped and murdered, and you somehow can’t notice anyone outside your own thick skull.
Honestly shut up. You’re a damn fool, you do blame women for getting raped and murdered, and you somehow can’t notice anyone outside your own thick skull.
ffs, could you turn off your #notall reflex JUST ONCE. JUST. FUCKING. ONCE.
Okay, so I get that Jez is a site staffed by rich girls who think they can afford not to worry about the fact that someday they’ll be old, but if the writers here are 40ish and this is how they’re thinking, and they’re major cultural influencers, I’m suddenly worried again about the ability of millennials to pick it…
I don’t get what she’s apologizing for. I have trouble calling Ivanka feckless, but she’s a grade-A cunt. I’m not seeing a question there.
Well...I’m not surprised by the news. That last series of his was a guy wandering around with his depression and disorientation flapping right out there in the wind, and some jerk had obviously thought this’d be a great moneymaker. Which it was.
Keep in mind that men like this are very complex, very selfcontradictory,…
You guys make me tired.
So...my mom also married very young, at 19, and had her kids young. And yes, the 1960s trapped women, though you’d be amazed how many of them were absolutely not all Feminine-Mystique about it, and were totally happy to hang out doing a bit of shopping and having coffee while the kids probably weren’t dead somewhere…
A balm for the soul. Thank you, New York. Also, why does G. have to go around looking like roadkill all the time?
What is your problem, exactly?
Do you have a professional sports career, or are you just one of these guys who has no idea who they are if they can’t figure out their rank?
So...I’ve been single for...at least four years now? And not in any kind of serious, longlived relationship since I was divorced about 12 years ago?
It’s fine. Granted, I’m a single mom, so I don’t come home to an empty house (though I will soon). I’m also 50 and single after...about 25 years of being in and out of…
Notice that all these guys have no faces. They have masks. That’s it. Brutal masks.
Um...no, Dan’s a douche in many ways, and this is one of them.
If someone has AIDS and I love them, then that’s wonderful, but I’m not going to have sex with them, and I’m not going to exchange fluids with them. Because loving someone doesn’t mean you willingly sign up to share the disease, particularly when it’s a…
Came here exactly to say that.
He should feel more than stupid. He should feel guilty.
Seriously, it never ends. I’m dealing with it at work from a dude who’s almost 50 — his wife left him at least seven or eight years ago and he’s still an asshole to everyone over it. I’ve been divorced over ten years and my ex, also nearing 50, is still a jerk to our daughter if she mentions me.
I just don’t with men…
Nobody wants your “usually”. Seriously. I don’t date anymore and I’m worried for my daughter because of guys like you, who can’t tolerate the idea that they’re *doing something bad and wrong* and insist it has to be someone else’s fault. Why? Because they want something and aren’t getting it, therefore they must be…
Dude is trying to defend his own behavior.
Right. So we’re a few comments in with people trying to talk sense to you and you’re already spitting the insults and profanity.
Don’t date anymore until you’ve had a whole lot of therapy and come to understand that you are the problem here.
You are so, so wrong. And I can tell by the way you won’t. hear. anyone and won’t. let. go here that you are exactly the sort of dude who makes women’s lives hell if they try to get away.
Hell no. Because what I’m all done with in my life is dudes suddenly turning into 200-lb toddlers when they hear “no”. I do not need more holes in my walls. I do not need more being shouted at. I do not need more being told how much I suck because, bottom line, I haven’t given them what they wanted. #yesallmenevenyou