



So because something bad has happened to blacks it’s fine to do it to whites? Hmmm.

Ha he doesn’t get paid to do it my man. The sad thing is someone does.

Yeah don’t bother the non thinking giant with your opposing views!

Anyone that doesn’t agree with you or the writer is instantly a pussy huh? Great logic. Bet that got you far in life.


Lol the greys are simply people that don’t fall in perfectly with your black supremacy bullshit. I would take that as a compliment brotha.

You are something else. Racist for one thing. Dumb, another.

Yeah, how dare she not learn that sooner! If you don’t learn something before your 30s how dare you realize it at all! Just continue your false narrative and never change!!! Puke.

BAHAHAHAA. You are really coming at Mort for fragility!? This whole site is founded on your fragility! Thanks for the laugh at my well paying easy desk job.

You really had to comment before reading an article that takes 60 seconds to read? LOLOLOL

So is it his job to engender equality or show the best films possible on behalf of the festival? Would you buy a lesser quality car because the company that made it needs exposure (despite that car being of a lesser quality)? Furthermore, as a film festival, a movie that is a better story is going to make the cut




Dude said he doesn’t know the gender before watching... What the hell more could you want!? Be definition they would be lowering the standards to allow films in based on gender if they didn’t get in originally (without knowing the gender!! My gawd).

Dude said he doesn’t know the gender before watching... What the hell more could you want!? Be definition they would be lowering the standards to allow films in based on gender if they didn’t get in originally (without knowing the gender!! My gawd).

Dude said he doesn’t know the gender before watching... What the hell more could you want!? Be definition they would be lowering the standards to allow films in based on gender if they didn’t get in originally (without knowing the gender!! My gawd).