Weak Tea

One of the responsibilities of being an executive of a company is being a good representative of the company to the public, or at least not publicly embarrassing the company. Once you’ve caused a public shitstorm because you aren’t able to “no comment” something, you’re probably pretty expendable.

Security screenings as a concept existed before the TSA and still work in the vast majority of the world that doesn’t have the TSA. You are aware of that right? I mean I sincerely hope I’m not legitimately breaking news to you here.

That’s only for an automatic recount. Moore can request one no matter what the margin.

Oh great now its going to be nothing but abortion after abortion. Thinking of buying a new car? Aborted. I was going to get a raise last week but what do you know? Aborted. Abortion on-demand. Abortion on TiVo. Mail-order abortion. Abortion in our streets. Abortion in our churches. Pay-per-viewbortion. Fake abortions.

Effective at what? Instilling a false sense of security while somehow simultaneously feeding the kind of paranoia that gets people kicked off airplanes for doing math? If you meant that, then yes. If you meant actual prevention and safety just imagine I posted a bunch of laughing emojis.

We’re perfectly capable of keeping this shit off planes without the TSA grabbing tits all day. This is security theater to keep the naive and stupid distracted from the fact that they’ve repeatedly gotten caught letting unsafe shit slip through.

Because regular security could handle this shit just fine. We don’t need a civilian agency that fetishizes power and groping people.

The previous non-government security agencies did it faster, more efficient and with less employees.

Before 9/11, private security screeners at airports did the same goddamn thing without the ridiculous and unwarranted attitude.

Yup. You’re so smart. They’re gonna take all that extra money they charge us because its so expensive to throttle bandwidth and put it right into redeveloping the infrastructure of their profit margins.

What the actual fuck?! You may as well go outside and yell at the sky.

I found Ajit Pai’s Kinja handle.

What do data caps have with anti-discrimination requirements? Bandwidth hogs can be charged more for using more data under the current rule regime. Without the NN rules ISPs can charge more to “use” data to/from particular services irrespective of how much bandwidth is used. The “bandwidth hog” argument is a bullshit

Get the government out of the internet and let competition flourish.

So you’re completely fine with your ISP throttling your access to certain sites and forcing you to pay more for, say, being able to access twitter, or to get additional bandwidth to certain sites like Netflix so you can stream HD videos?

Google gave up fiber because the other telecom companies blocked them at every turn. They didn’t let them share fiber, they didn’t let them share poles. They shut out the competition.

They’re just a troll with a troll comment history.

Nuh-uh. Don’t you remember when we all put French flags over our profile pics and tweeted #JeSuisCharlie and defeated terrorism forever?