Weak Tea

Since when? I mean, I know we’re speaking English, but still.

Exactly. It’s not the dog’s fault, Justin needs to get his ass home or do something about the barking.

Why would you side against someone complaining about a barking dog? Being rescued doesn’t make them any less noisy. The person wanting to rescue animals should do so without leaving the pet unsupervised and disturbing neighbors who didn’t sign up for that.

get a haircut and the fuck out of Ethiopia, Diplo

The act of compressing air causes humidity to condense - no special conditioning needed other than to drain the compressor tank from time to time. Of course that’s presuming a large enough tank where the air stops moving within the tank enough for the condensate to drop out. A little tiny compressor/tank where it runs

Can’t think of a single game that doesn’t let you know how many lives you have left before permadeath decides to kick in lol. So i’m not sure where you have been playing games for the last 20 years.

You do understand that there is no First Amendment violation in a private employer firing someone?

There is no room for reasoned debate with unreasonable positions. We don’t give Nazis a platform either because just by being able to be there they’re being validated. The constant white american cry “reasoned debate” has resonated across the history of this country. “Well why can’t you be reasonable and accept

No, herpes is not life threatening to the carrier, but it can absolutely cause miscarriages and death in newborns. Even if that is not something a specific person is worried about, there is nothing wrong with not wanting to contract any STD. There doesn’t need to be a big stigma about it; people just need to protect

Neither are blue balls. If you’re contagious at the time you’re trying to engage in sexual activity then you should be open about it with your partner or at the very least take precautions so that you’re not transmitting your infection to someone else. This isn’t just about the Herpes claims, she said that his dick

Everyone I know IRL who does this sort of thing is absolutely happy to admit that they’re doing it because they want to put way less effort into cooking but don’t want to eat out.

If you want to order Blue Apron because you’re lazy and don’t know how to feed yourself

Everyone can wavedash with every controller. Not everyone can get their hands on custom, niche hardware like the smashbox, and it is a piece of hardware that opens up possibilities changes the game in a major way.

three counts of abduction by force, intimidation or deception, and one count of assault and battery

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I’m sure some, maybe most, of the kids, did get that this was pretend. But I’m equally sure that deep down, many of them had a desperate hope that they were going to get to keep that money, money their families really needed and money that would’ve made a difference in their

Oh honey. I think your heart is in the right place but your head is screwed on backwards.

I thought she was married at the time? Regardless I doubt Angelina Jolie would have a problem. Even if she would though. Maybe don’t adopt? If the other option is adopting from a system where a lot of the children up for adoption have literally been kidnapped, including maybe the one that person chooses.

Like the kids and refugees she’s always photographed with are allowed anywhere near a fucking microphone. LOL.

I mean this probably isn’t much different with how she cast her children in real life, right? The whole “saving babies of color from their horrible lives in their home countries” trend has always been kind of gross. Especially considering how the demand tends to outpace supply leading to outright freaking

Uh, does your house not have electricity? Because this is how it’s delivered to residences in 99.9999% of the world.