Tom Glavine only has 1 dong

Hillary Lannister is going to assume her sheep are stupid enough to buy she knew NOTHING

I guess I didn’t state that in the most articulate way. I clarify that I would vote for HER, not any woman who was shit upon by men, because she has shown herself to be tenacious, dogged and still determined to do good, on top of being exceptionally qualified. There are lots of people who have grit but are not

Clearly Trump isn’t a Lannister since a “Lannister always pay their debts.”

“See you in Cooperstown, Pete!”

(Sadaharu) OH NO HE DIDN’T!!!

1. That’s Taiwan. Unless you think all Asian baseball leagues look alike.

fucking Ichiro, cutting to the heart of American egoism as easily as he cuts through the shifting sands of in and outfield defenses.

J-League ball ain’t AA - this isn’t the 1970's anymore.

Also bear in mind that the tail end of Rose’s hit total was almost a full season of him wedging himself into the lineup as player-manager to the detriment of the Reds. So screw him.

I’ve noticed is that in America, when people feel like a person is below them, not just in numbers but in general, they will kind of talk you up. But then when you get up to the same level or maybe even higher, they get in attack mode; they are maybe not as supportive.

Goddamn I love Ichiro. I always liked him, but when I read about how he learned different languages just to talk shit during games, and how he pumped up the American League All-Star Team each year before the game. Guy’s just a badass.

Asked for his response, Pete Rose refused to take time away from signing autographs at the Murfreesboro IHOP.

That is a separate issue.

HRC is a gifted politician, a leader, and an inspiration. Just because internalized sexism exists with perceptions of female speakers, doesn’t mean she is a gifted speaker. She may be judged more harshly, but she is breaking that ceiling for others. The First Lady (MO) brought strength,

But “perfectly fine” shouldn’t be how we judge someone who’s been planning this campaign for the last decade. I don’t know why we can’t address the fact that she isn’t a great public speaker. Michelle Obama is able to sound strong, sincere, and energetic in a way that I did not get from HIllary. When Nina Turner