
If you legit want to make him stop something, give Obama credit. Don’t call it the Trump Muslim Ban, say Trump is continuing the Obama Muslim Ban. Don’t say he is building a wall on the Mexican border, Say he is expanding the Obamawall, an expensive democrat boondoggle. You do that an his support will drop like a

He tore up the TPP and looks to do the same to NAFTA. He is fulfilling the only campaign pledge they give a darn about. As long as he otherwise ignores them and leaves them be, they are getting exactly what they want. They aren’t Mexican or Muslim so they don’t care what he does.

His supporters (the ones that he specifically turned Red) are people who want protectionist policies. He tore up the TPP and looks to the do the same for NAFTA. As long as he otherwise leaves them alone they will back him 100% to ensure his inevitably pro-globalization replacement is held at bay for as long as

I mean, he is right though. We drone strike a lot of innocent people, no trial, nothing. We intentionally targeted an American child at a restaurant with a drone strike because his dad was a terrorist (his dad had been killed 2 weeks earlier). We don’t have to become neocons just to oppose everything Trump says,