2015 Honda Accord

Slut shaming is not cool. Trump is rubbing off on you guys it seems.

No offense to Beyonce but Whitney is the greatest vocalist and performer of all time. She just had such a naturally sweet, perfect voice. Strong when she wanted to be. She could turn a scream into a whisper without losing the listener. She didn’t need any production at all, let alone the kind of production that

Nothing bothers me more than when someone just adds a letter to their first name. Kristen is now Kristjen? Those are two names: Krist and Jen. Or just Kristen with a J. It stresses me out just thinking about why the hell she did this. Pick a name and stick with it. Not that big of a deal.

I was watching Fox News yesterday [yeah yeah but I like being informed of enemy propaganda, it’s basic game theory strategy] and they had an entire segment on how volcanoes have nothing to do with Climate Change.


I haven’t. The Onion was blocked for a while so I’m not very familiar. I typically stick to the Gawker main page.

Yeah, thanks. I did get over it. Actually I’m way beyond her now and she has nothing to do with me anymore because I’ve built an entirely new life that doesn’t involve her at all. Even if she wanted to get back together I wouldn’t. Not being spiteful, just being real. I moved on and she missed her chance to be with

Sanders is an Anglo-Saxon name.

Bernie is Jewish? What? His last name is SANDERS.


Yeah sure I got over it. That was so long ago it literally doesn’t matter anymore. Things could have been different obviously but that doesn’t mean they would have been better right? It’s impossible to say and that’s why there’s no use thinking about it. It’s over and done with. It was decades ago. Doesn’t matter

In the not too distant future once BTC becomes the international currency for unenslaved people, mining will crowd out other parts of the energy grid that today seem entrenched and necessary but aren’t. Endless server storage, real time everything, social media, your sick iPhone X, cloud everything... it’s all going

I mean I’m on board, Bubba. The internet should be neutral whatever that actually means. I like neutrality and I’m a pacifist. I’m like Switzerland or something. Actually, and I don’t know if you’ll care about this or not, I’m part Swiss on my mom’s side.

No, I just know what it’s like to be 19 and dealt a huge blow.

Ha, you sound just like I did when I was dating that hosehound. God she was awesome. Say, what’s your name?

When I was 19 my girlfriend dumped me. I loved her, I really did. I honestly believed that we would get married, and while I was too young to seriously consider children I did believe that we would have some of our own, that we would have our own family some day. These thoughts were part of my daily life for the

I agree that the internet should remain neutral or whatever but isn’t this the guy that didn’t know what #MeToo meant at The Oscars?

The Blue Jays are a major league baseball team even though they’re in a minor league country.

He has as many walks as he does strikeouts.

DP Me? No way! My God what are you doing? Tell me you still have that Camaro IROC.