2015 Honda Accord

Empire Records was a good movie because it preserved a moment in time that vanished really quickly. That Jack Black record store movie too.

Easy there Muhammad. You’d be speaking German if it wasn’t for us.

That massacre is just another day in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people.

I can’t tell if you’re ironically victim blaming or if you’re actually doing it.

Really? I thought Sanders’ message was on point and really powerful. Lizzy Warren was more of the same fence-sitting BS that Bush and Obama gave us. Killing is bad yada yada nothing done.

He’s very popular in the Midwest.

Haha yeah right. He wishes. I’m twice as jacked as this dude but that doesn’t mean I’m bigger. I mean, I am bigger than he is, but not like roided out or anything. No, I’m way denser. This guy clearly lifts but I can guarantee you I’m doing 2x or 3x the reps and sets he’s doing. My veins are out of this world and I

No I mean like do you have a link to the application where to get this from?

What’s funny though is that Venezuela didn’t even do real socialism. Banning this dude’s sleeve makes no sense. It’s like banning someone for testing positive to too much vitamin C or something.

Holup. You can have a job and still get federal paychecks? Link?

No, Ben Shapiro is a tiny little guy. This dude is jacked in the style of Tyler Durden. I’m talking fit. Fit af. He’s even wearing an undershirt and you can tell all the lines on his chest are clean. That takes some work. Right under the pecs there is a flat spot that is clearly muscle. Tough to tell what’s going on

Those were the DAYS! Man I want to work at Amazon so bad but I’m also real pissed at them for putting Macy’s out of business. Someday I’m gonna have kids and I wanted to take them shopping there and relive some of those times. “See this is the dressing room where daddy and mommy...” Yeah well I guess that won’t

I didn’t delete anything but I also think your pretty much wrong about there being retail businesses that treat people well. Even Amazon treats there employees like pyramid builders. All work no play. I would love a gig at Amazon though. Applied like a hundred times already but I guess everyone else is too.

Yeah that was my problem with all of them too. It’s like you pay me to do this stupid stuff. It’s literally really just this stupid stuff. And you expect me to treat you like royalty? GTFO. I know how to get the work done. I don’t need to be here all damn day to do it.

Earth’s destruction is not funny.

I worked at Macy’s too and it was a w e s o m e. We had the whole mall to screw around in and chase girls and smoke weed and cigarettes. Actually this one dude Bronf always brought liquor to work and at lunch we’d sip on it and offer it to the girls. Ha this one chick we got so hammered that she got in a wreck in the

Unfortunately that just isn’t the case. I have worked at both Target and Home Depot. Home Depot was much worse. I have also worked at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Applebees, GAP, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, and Circuit City back when that was around. I worked at Lowe’s one summer too. Home Depot wasn’t just worse than all of

First of all, let’s define “cheap.” To many that will mean one thing and one thing only: a low price. However, my definition is a little more nuanced. Let’s dig a little deeper.


I’m not black, but I do have a lot of black friends. I actually am not really sure what I am. I’m not white but there’s definitely some white in me, and if looks are any guide I’ve got some Spanish or Native American or Brazilian roots too. Both of my parents say we’re Jewish, but I’m very skeptical of that. My