2015 Honda Accord

The only terrorism in that region is what Israel is doing to those poor Palestinian refugees.

Good. He should be fired for supporting a conservative politician, especially if that paper was a left-leaning one.

They should have gone with “How To Not Get Killed By Russian Hooligans”

Don’t worry bout that dude. He gets paid to pretend be like that smart older wise man with all that brevity acquired through legit experience. Really he just doesn’t have much to say and is flat out boring af.

Nah. Vaping legit af. It’s the only non addictive form of nicotine and looks hella fly. Tastes awesome to.

That “not a monolith” rigged the primaries against Bernie so Hillary could lose to Trump.

I like how you think but this is flat out wrong. Israel pretends they need a wall same as us. They actually have a less legit claim.

Yeah but if you really think on it the Nazis did win.

God damn I never thought I’d say this but the White House look like absolute dung in that photo. Makes sense given that it is Donald Trump who resides there.

Yeah I thought the same damn thing in 2016 and they proved all of us wrong at that time too though. Maybe it clearer now? I dunno but they really better recognize that we have a grass roots thing that is growing and evolving. They need to help us out with that.

Damn this is a great example of what I’m talking about. That dress in the middle? Who you think picked that out? Def not her. That is a straight up producer’s choice to increase viewership.

Yeah yeah I hear that I do. I guess my main point is that I wanna see the royal family become like Roseanne but with less rightwingers and more regular people and diversity.

That’s what I’m saying though! Let them sink along with Bibi! Let’s actually literally help tie them together, you see? Like when a ship sinks.

Hey, you know something? I’m with you! I think we all are. We definitely need some younger peeps in the DNC but we also gotta be pretty patient about all this. Bernie needs to do his thing a little longer, maybe run in 2020, and then he’ll load us up on that younger schedule. Trust the plan man, we’re gonna win

Is it wrong that I’m like a little bit, just a little bit more excited that a divorcee is about to join the royal family than I am a WOC? I don’t know if I put that right. I am really super happy that the royal family is gonna have a WOC now, but that seemed inevitable. A divorcee on the other hand? They have been

I was chatting about the Hawaii situation with a longtime friend of mine, actually he’s like a brother to me. Not a real brother per se but like one of those friends that’s always been super close. And it kinda dawned on us that while erupting volcanoes are pretty scary there are definitely a few bright sides! No pun

Aren’t all stars famous? Haha, just kidding.

Idea... can this be a major part of our platform? Think about this for a second...

Caption Contest!

It’s always funny to me that for all the hate they spew in the media, Trump and the Neocon DNC have the same objective with respect to dealing with actual progressives: ignore, deny, demoralize.