Jay Z Can't Freestyle

This is true.  Bipartisan issue. 

Any comment on the human traffickers bringing them to the border?

Beyonce < Taylor Swift

This is why you will continue to lose.

Obama fueled the biggest wealth gap in American history.  

Trump is very clearly [and very forcefully] supporting the domestic American worker. In fact, the exact tweets referenced in this article demonstrate this.  You need a new boogeyman.

My point is that Hillary, Bush, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Jeff Flake, etc etc are all on the same side.  Their only difference is to whom they pay lip service.  Bill Kristol represents this. 

Bill Kristol is a neocon. Neocons are part of the left.

Wouldn’t say they’re “taking advantage” of #TheResistance.  They are part of #TheResistance.  This is what we meant when we said that Republicans and Democrats are the same party.  They support the same larger goals while pandering to pet issues on either side and using those pet issues to divide.  This is pretty