Jay Z Can't Freestyle

I supported Bernie, who is Jewish. Now I am supporting Trump, who is also Jewish.

Dear Foxstar Loves Bashcraft,

Really?  The quality isn’t that good but I identified two textbook triangles, an attempted arm bar, a sleeve choke, and two guillotines.  These guys aren’t the best but they’re definitely trained in the arts. 

Ugh. This one hurts because he’s 100% correct. We missed our opportunity with Bernie. Hillary stole the nom from us and now he’s way, way too old to run. Ocasio-Cortez is decent in theory, but she’s an open borders nut that will dilute the workforce with below market wage undocumented labor refugees. If she irons out

Those are some seriously decent legs for a 60 year old Latinx. 

Daily reminder that if at this point you still believe in the Russia-Trump Conspiracy Theory you are mentally ill.

An article ostensibly supporting Global Warming [not Climate Change... hmmm] by using, uh, DEATH VALLEY [hmmm...] as the example?

“Yes, you did commit this crime. We’re taking you downtown.”

Sell a wine collection.

FYI I consider you rich. 

Cool ideas.  Anything to back them up? 

I was saying this earlier and the DNC shills came out immediately to attack me. Neocons like the Kochs and the centrist Dems [aka DNC] are the same exact party.  They just pay lip service to different social sects in their spare time.  They are functionally the same.  

Tom Steyer... the same guy who defends Israel’s right to shoot Palestinian Refugee Children from across their enormous wall that he helped finance.

Please educate yourself. Hillary and the DNC 100% rigged the primaries against Bernie. Common knowledge at this point.

Sorry Alexander - you’ve got to go back.

Hard to trust a creepy perv.

Obama literally aided and abetted terrorists.

Implying the shark wasn’t first kidnapped by the zoo.

Not if you support Trump, which most people do.