Slim Nasty

Sorry.  I thought you were being one.  It stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists.  They’ve pretty much taken over Twitter.  That’s why I quit.

Sounds exactly like how Trump pitched Kim Jong Il when they met.

TERFs are just closet Trump supporters. 

You are fascist and that was Drumpf’s limo.

Bernie Sanders is not wealthy and we will defeat the Nazis.  Our grandparents apparently didn’t do a good enough job, but we will.  Count on that.

Agreed, but changing subjects implies we are having a conversation.  We aren’t.  It is no longer necessary to pretend we are.  Trump and his goons want fascism?  That’s that.  Time for talking is over.  Now it’s time to resist and take direct action. 

Buzz off, Buzz.

Uh, hold on one second. I knew this guy was an a-hole but does he really lack all self-awareness? Elderly exploitation? Is he kidding?

Hillbots leave now.  It is NOT a stupid idea.  ICE does NOT deserve to exist and every day it does is a shameful day for our democracy.  NEOCONS OUT.

Even though this bill is guaranteed to fail, this is a great first step.  This legitimizes our own civil disobedience.  I no longer believe that there is rule of law in this country.  I no longer believe that our laws are valid.  These laws allowed for Trump to become president.  That means something is wrong.  The

Felony breaking/entering along with some BS vandalism and assault charges and possession with intent to sell. They also tried to get me for kidnapping that dog.

No we’re going to microchip them.  Nice try. 

She looks like Rainbow Bright but better. 

Can’t wait until Lebron, Kaep, and Curry retire and decide to run for office.  

This is so frustrating. Makes me so angry. We are doing so much work trying to turn Texas blue and we’re almost there and then SCOTUS makes it harder, per usual.

Not true at all. America’s history is one of genocide, hate, and ruin.

The Privilege of Allegiance

Holy SH*T!!!!! That was a sick slam dunk and Lebron should be proud of what his boy is doing out there. For all of you that say Lebron is all body and lacks the natural talent of Jordan this proves you wrong yet again. He passed that talent on to his kid that can slam dunk at age 13. Funny enough that’s the same age

Obama definitely did not ramp ICE up. Talk all you want about the number of deportations under Obama but those numbers were inflated to pacify the right.  Yeah swing and a miss on the bankers but Bernie will take care of them.  Obama ended the Iraq war and wasn’t involved in any new ones.  He was actually really good

Obama definitely was a good president.  What are you talking about?  He reversed almost everything Bush did.