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    Yes. I have five screens across three desktops. Multitasking is not difficult. Thank you for the question.

    G/O should introduce a Health and Medicine vertical to cover non-sports stories like this one.

    I agree with you.

    1) “Tomato” is a proper noun and should be capitalized.

    How do we fix it?

    ...work against sovereignty, work against our laws.

    A better idea would be to relocate Skid Row to Hidden Valley.

    Instead of internalizing the lies you’ve been fed to preserve your ego, why not be honest with yourself? You were fooled. It wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. Wake yourself up and support Bernie Sanders. 

    If you have a soul you will understand immediately.

    California’s top state income tax rate is 12.3%.

    Elizabeth Warren has a lot of plans. She talks about her plans constantly. She’s always planning, always creating new plans to solve new problems. She has a lot of plans and will do exactly none of them if she’s elected.

    For the same reason I did not read this article, you do not need to read the banner floating over the Dem Debate in Houston. The content does not matter. All that matters is the intent. The intent holds the core message. The intent of this article is to make Trump look bad. The intent of the banner is to steal

    Now playing

    Your headline clip is take from this video [< 1 minute]. Notice how Trump initially ignores Netanyahu, then finally acquiesces to shake his hand.

    Question: Why support loose immigration laws when the core result of these laws is cheaper labor for corporations and bigger profit margins for guys like Bezos?