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    lol how often does this happen? Is my work here done?

    I honestly laughed at this reply.

    and raised to believe that the Left are anti-god Socialist.

    Why would UN scientists endorse a spending package that guarantees them money for the next several decades?

    Much better. It’s not about length. Reading and writing are both quickly done. It’s the verbosity and unnecessary clutter in your language that exists only for yourself. You like the sound of it and that’s ok, but it doesn’t sound good and most would prefer to just skip it which is what I did.

    When RBG dies will that be three or four SCOTUS seats? I lost count. And we will get the House back in 2020 and keep the Senate. And yes we won NC03 just like we won in Texas, Georgia and all the other supposedly purple places that the left never shuts up about until they lose. That last word... lose. That’s what

    The Dem establishment knows that fringe leftism is still fringe. Strategically, they’re correct to ignore you folks even if you are the more honest part of the left. The DNC is filled with insidious grifters and liars, people like Elizabeth Warren.

    Let’s be honest for once in our lives on this webpage, please. Please. The Democrats will never beat the Republicans so long as Trump is a Republican. Our president famously said “We are gonna win so much you’re going to get tired of winning.” And that was the only time he’s ever been wrong. We are not tired of

    You write as if the point is to spend time reading your writing rather than getting your point across to the reader which you could have done much more succinctly. Diets are trending toward boring, balanced meals and so too are our communication habits trending toward the lean, especially written. You are happy with

    The stakes are low, and quite low at that. They are low enough that even a very short person would be able to step over them without much difficulty. How short? Any height really. The stakes are just above sea level, just barely. All Warren has to do is not have a seizure and pass out, as Mrs. Clinton did exactly

    The intent of the banner is to steal attention from the event below.

    The greatest trick Jeff Bezos ever played was convincing the world that Alexa didn’t work.

    I don’t know who this man is. I mean, he could be walking down the street I... I wouldn’t know his name.

    Hi, I am from the future - 2024 to be exact - and I traveled back in time just to reply to this comment. If you think Israel’s spying is bad, you “ain’t*” seen “nothing**” yet.

    Facebook has this ability. Google has this ability. Amazon/WashingtonPost has this ability. Banks have this ability through the former three. Everything is for sale in the private market, why should ICE be excluded from this party?

    Seven screens seems excessive save the situation where you have six smaller screens and a single super sized one. Five desktops is understandable if you have five unique operations to run. I have four smaller screens and one large one. Only three unique operations. Five seems like a lot.


    If sovereignty is an artificial construct then so is citizenship. In that context whoever controls the military is free to expel from the country whatever persons he or she wishes to expel. Likewise, they are able to import persons of their choice. Trump’s second term may be more interesting than we had previously