Ms. Njalsson

So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.

And they thought they could raise money for themselves off the publicity, Dweik’s got a Venmo up. Let me see them pull this kind of confrontation with Ivanka, who actually has a role in her fathers White House which Chelsea has never had, and then I’ll believe it isnt just a publicity stunt attacking someone who won’t

As Kelly says, if you are a fan of the Real Housewives, you’ll be fascinated by the lives of the Mitfords. I highly recommend this book, if you want to read more utterly batshit but completely true stories.

This. Rich people believe that they’ve earned everything that’s ever been handed to them and that the poors aren’t working as hard because if they were, why aren’t they handing out on the USC yacht?

Call me old-fashioned, but I find the word ‘influencer’ to be unnecessary when we already had the word ‘shill’, which was a perfectly good word for the exact same thing.

To be fair, I don’t want my plane being flown by someone who’s been dead for sixty-three years, either.

Really, the only people dumber than trump are the people who voted for him.

As The World Burns

I would bet the same.

The thing I think about is: What if two people were charged with Jussie’s “attack”? He would likely have sat back and let the lives of two people be irrevocably changed for something that didn’t happen. All for what? More money? Better storylines? A profile raise?

“Yang makes an implicit assumption—that sexism is an acceptable (and perhaps even necessary) cost of dismantling racism.”

Oh man, I did not expect to want to smash things so early in the morning, I haven’t even finished my coffee yet.

Raccoons are cute as hell. They’re also assholes that can go from sweet lil trash pandas to terrifying mini-bears in a second.

Opossums are amazing. Also wild animals should not be pets! Fuck these people. Let them enjoy their lives. They do not want to be your pet and everyone will be happier with them living in the wild. Observe them there.

They’re North America’s only marsupial.  They’re also super great pest control and don’t carry rabies. 

I have worked in two places where soy tracks repeated. Once was a work conference in a convention center/ hotel where the same twelve songs repeated for a week, and I went through a cycle of annoyance/ grief/ hatred/ acceptance/ briefly enjoying it/ and then wanted to kill my self to make it stop. I still have a

I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something,

Or he’ll say he’d never, because (something racist).

Underage drinking? Who does she think she is, Brett Kavanagh?