Interesting--it’s clear she idolized Pa, so makes sense she’d make alterations to show him in the best possible light (but I still felt sorry for Ma every time he announced they had to move again).
Interesting--it’s clear she idolized Pa, so makes sense she’d make alterations to show him in the best possible light (but I still felt sorry for Ma every time he announced they had to move again).
When you get further into Prairie Fires, you’ll learn more about how Laura whitewashed a lot of her family’s history, especially “Pa’s,” to make it seem like he was more successful than what he was. The fictional books still obviously show a lot of the challenges, but the reality was much worse.
I’ve (finally) just started Prairie Fires, but the thing that confuses me about the whole pitch for it is that if you actually read the books, with the exception of the idyllic Little House in the Big Woods, they portray a family constantly moving, constantly confronting natural disasters, constantly ill or injured,…
Okay, so that’s why the damned thing was making me so uncomfortable.
The Russians are almost definitely why he doesn’t want to leave. Far less likely to have an accidental run in with some polonium when he’s safe behind the walls of the embassy.
Wait, though. Can’t they just boot him out? This is the Embassy. Their federal government. I’m pretty sure they can revoke sanctuary status if they want to.
If bugs are our future then it’s time for us to move on. I’ll take protein Jell-O and soylent green please.
Horses are ‘props’ for Rill Muricans!!!! Poor horses, horses are amazing, majestic animals that don’t deserve being lumped in with these fucking losers.
Back in my horseback-riding days, I rode western, not this dressage shit.
Ah yes, Indiana, Big Sky country, cattle rustlers, Pony express, in the bunkhouse with the cowboys away from Mother’s prying eyes...
What’s the confusion? The ‘weird thing’ on that giant ass is just a black coat.
I’m betting the reason he sounded so affectless in his texts about his family being “gone” is he honestly thought his replacement female would be as cool about as he was: “Gone? Terrific! I shall now move in, sex you, do all the chores, and bear replacement offspring units for you. Beep.” It never occurred to him that…
He definitely didn’t go from Jeckyll to Hyde just by crossing some borders. From what I’ve read he was a power-hungry manipulative nutter from the get-go, it just got more obvious as time went on as he got more comfortable with his power and went from taking some of the drugs to all of the drugs.
My friend and I look forward to Oprah’s list every year because it’s so fun to ridicule but doesn’t throw itself over the ‘eat the rich’ line. This isn’t even fun to make fun of, it just makes me want to go out and burn things.
It can be shocking to realize how much you take for granted as an American citizen. Let me check that, a naturally-born American citizen. Growing up with my brother, who’s a DACA recipient, you learn to appreciate all the rights and privileges afforded to you as a citizen.
I disagree, Ashley.
She looks like a particularly grubby Victorian street urchin.
Meanwhile, I’m a bit north of Eastman in a completely red state.