Ms. Njalsson

The White House website just put up a list of Trump’s favorite cakes.

Side note: I’m sure Trump only settled for DeVos for Secretary of Education when he found out the Trunchbull was not available, due to being fictional.

Photographic evidence that Mar-a-Lago has a giant turd just sitting in the middle of the eating area:

Hot Take: I think “unconstitutional shit” in the face of slavery should get a pass.

Sigh...these people. They are so angry that Black people have the nerve not to be enslaved anymore. That they may have to sit next to a table full of us at a restaurant, or that their kid may have to take orders from one of us.

How did Donald Trump manage to find someone who’s both worse dressed and who has worse hair than he does? He must have rubbed his hands in glee upon learning that Bannon is also dumber and more racist.

This is true, but I also don’t want to die in a nuclear winter. Or explosion. Or other potentially fiery catastrophe-caused-by-president’s-incompetence-related death.

If I had known that United was doing random beat downs I would’ve purchased a ticket for Sean Spicer.

A WH that can’t even get their shit together for the Easter Egg Roll will surely defeat ISIS. Easily!

It fucking KILLS me that so many of us - myself included - find ourselves waxing lyrical about the heady days of George W Bush. We didn’t think it could GET any worse - oh, how naive we were.

Well, Trump has surpassed Clinton on the number of golf games thus far Trump=17 vs Clinton=3 . Trump has spent roughly 1/3 of Obama’s vacation expenses in 11 weeks vs Obummer’s 8 years, so I guess there are historic levels of............. something ........ during Trump’ first 100 days.

But, did he wait a half hour before going into the water?

She relayed that anecdote in 2009, she was no longer a child and STILL did not see that pressuring people who were working hard for what was probably little above minimum wage was not something to brag about. Yeah, she’s guiding her father to the ‘good’ decisions. She is completely lacking in self-awareness.

The second part of that lemonade stand story In The New Yorker is kind of revealing, too, but in a different way:

Mother is very disappointed.

The storm chaser scene is starting to get out of control.

Maybe we could make sure everyone has adequate sick leave for all the things? I mean many people have chronic recurring health issues of varying degrees.

It’s like we never learned the lesson from Mitt. Binders full of women or men will never work out in the long run.

Even though they don’t seem to grasp how far away their pot-bellied, inconsiderate, misogynist selves are from the heroes they want to pretend they are.