
I hope Jessica Testa and Buzzfeed pursue the appropriate legal process. Even if this is “just” a class A misdemeanor, Chucky the Troll shouldn’t get away with it.

Not only do I believe you but as a Columbia alumna, I find it shameful what the university made you go through.

Family values, y’all. The apple didn’t fall far from the rotten tree.

"You know what I'm saying? I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim."

I don't think anyone who's read "Three Weeks with My Brother" is even remotely surprised. The subtitle of that book should be: "Two chauvinist, arrogant, provincial and clueless Americans travel the world disrespecting other cultures, mocking the locals and learning nothing."

Considering Rupert Murdoch said Ahmed Merabet's family, along with all Muslims, "must be held responsible" for the attack, the racist piece of shit might want to shut up about their son's heroic sacrifice.