
I didn't scroll thru the comments before I commented, but mine is identical to yours. NO GREYHOUNDS, BOO!!!!!

I saw every kind of sight hound on there except for a greyhound. WTF? They originated in Egypt, late of England. Big ol' growl on that one!

Feathered dinosaurs. Do. Not. Like.


Hooray, hooray, hooray!!!!!!!!! My favorite author, of any genre, and so very, very deserving of this recognition! She has informed and influenced me for many, many years, shaping my feminism, my love of science fiction, and just plain love of reading. WTG, Ms. LeGuin!

I've only skimmed the replies, so not sure if anyone has mentioned the fact that living forever with certain psychological disorders WOULD BE HELL. People with depression, unresolved trauma, OCD, or other, more severe disorders such as schizophrenia or manic-depression probably would want a permanent fix (not gonna

Late to the party (too much to do yesterday!), but you nailed it, Charlie Jane: The Earthsea Books. I have read them umpty zillion times and every time, I was sad when they ended.

Any/all "Best of the Year" science fiction short stories. Any/all of the Earthsea books.

Fax machines still exist for people like me who live in areas where there is no fast Internet.

Oh shit, how I love this show! And I am not ashamed to say so out loud on Gawker Media. I agree with the intense dislike of Killian and Freya. I wished they'd stayed in Santo Domingo, found out Eva was an evil interloper, dispatched with her, and lived happily ever after OFF CAMERA. More Ingrid, Dash, and pissed off

I'm a supertaster and I love coffee. But hopped beers, anything sour, and citrus I simply cannot abide. Or peppermint lifesavers. They HURT!

Came here to say the exact same thing. Because if it's not reductive, it's not science!

Well, in a certain kind of psychoanalytic theory, we call that a "vertical split." Not understanding emotionally what you understand cognitively is a common, common problem I encounter in my office with my patients. I struggle sometimes in helping people figure out feelings when their cognitions and logical processes

Not funny, not nice. Poor doggies.

Old receipts (Wal Mart, Target, Menard's), my billfold, two pairs of reading glasses, my makeup bag, three pens that don't write, one pen that does write, old (but not used!) Kleenex, a brush, a comb, a travel-size can of hair spray, my car key (but not my house and office keys, which I keep in the car), yes, a bottle

Oh . . . so this is the explanation for Republicans. I get it now!

Oh, don't hate on this show too much. I'm a fiery feminist, but this show's fluff gives me absolutely nothing to think about except fluff while I'm on the treadmill, which is when I need fluff.


I DREAD the day I wake up to find out Ursula has left this world!