Okay, "Look At Me" scared the everliving FUCK out of me. As I sit here typing this comment, I keep looking over my shoulder, since my computer chair faces the wall and my back is to the door. It's middle of the day, bright and sunny, but I'm alone in the house right now and SCARED SHITLESS.
MissAnnThropist's story has been bothering me since I read it last night. I just have to say something. I'm not disputing the veracity of her story; I'm irritated at the implications that Chestnut Lodge and the mentally ill are scary. Chestnut Lodge was a haven for the best and brightest psychotherapists at one time.…
Pretty much every story in this entire comments section has me massive eye-rolling, but this . . . . OHMYFUCKINGJESUSFUCKINGGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fucking fuck!!! Just fucking NOOOOOOOOOOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wrong. Nothing is worse than Heineken.