(20 rupees)

Young Courtney Cox was 20 and ‘Grandpa’ Bruce was 35 in 1984, when CC was hired to dance with him in a video (Dancing In The Dark). Nice attempt to deflect to a white dude and call him creepy. If dancing with soemone 15 years younger in a video is creepy, then Madonna, Cher, Mariah Carey and Jennifer Lopez should all

Sure. And others, in turn, have the right to roll their eyes and be openly contemptuous of such private organizations and persons.

And yet again the Millennial Moral Majority trying to destroy those GenX comedians who were taught to be cynical and edgy under the 80s conservative Moral Majority. Se also: James Gunn.

I’m so confused, homophobe joke tweets are bad and unforgiveable, pedophile joke tweets are bad but forgiveable?

Now playing

That was a clip of the 2010 video below, taken at a Denver, Colorado concert. The age of consent in Colorado? 17. The TOTAL lack of fact-checking is what allows shit like this to spread so damn much.

Oh snap this is the guy who was involved with Quinn. Woah.

Ahhhh the lets do a article before making sure it’s legit route again, especially from this Nathan Dude on OW 

LOL you sure are quick to judge there, but whatever.

I suppose Google knows me well enough when I swipe the word “weather” it brings up the weather in the location I presently am located, as well as suggestions for the other places I have frequently looked up the weather in the past.

I’m all for that ... Many of these writers turn out crap articles with misleading / click-bait headlines.

It isn’t shaming and the author knows it. However the title did it’s job and got me to click.

He told Reuters that his employer, Ant Financial, asked him to withdraw from the event.

When I want to see what the weather is like somewhere, I just search for the phrase “weather (location)” on my phone or browser. Why the need for an app?

When I was serving, group dinners were the worst. You always had the one person who ordered nothing because they were broke, the one who ordered a lot but didn’t tip, and the one who insisted that their appetizer’s cost be split across a few other people.

Thats right Sam, many of us want places where we don’t have to deal with someone elses kids. Its not just this bar. We’d also like you to refrain from bringing Sam Jr to:

Hey Sam, If it helps thin of this place and helping you become a better parent... It’s no longer about you.

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

*Small violin plays for man who chose not to use a condom*

And now it’s MY favorite restaurant

I never gave FB approval to access my contacts. Several of these women were not saved in my contacts but their phone numbers were in my call history.

Such a cute play by their assigned Twitter handlers.