
I just saw them in concert last weekend. They put on an amazing performance! Also, Damian, the lead singer, is hilarious.

@Simes: That makes sense. I just remember reading about a MIDI adapter, but I didn't realize it would only work for MIDI instruments like keyboards and drum sets.

But I just bought a beautiful Epiphone Les Paul...

@ThaKoolAidKid: I assume it's a combination of long exposure shots and the desert atmosphere.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I enjoy killing people in video games; does that mean that I, or anyone else who plays violent video games, have the desire to kill someone in the real world? Most of us are able to distinguish between what's real and what's simulation.

Move along, everyone, nothing funny to see here...

@bjaxon: I just got my Evo on Thursday, and I immediately installed a task manager app to keep the number of running processes low. After a full charge overnight, my phone lasted from 11:30am yesterday 'til 3:30am this morning, with about 20% battery life remaining, albeit with slightly less-that-moderate use (brief

@learniiburn: I just quit my job at the local theatre, but even I couldn't resist going back to see this movie. I highly recommend seeing it, just avoid the concessions stand.

@BenjaminDictys: Yeah, Knox county also has a ban on fireworks. Not that that stops any of us of from buying the biggest rockets we can find from fireworks stores in adjacent counties. ;)