
‘visual art’

so thats what the kids are calling it these days.

In my day we called it Porn.

Yeah, so you should probably get off them.

So... what about the $90 I gave you guys for a video game only to be provided with a crappy cobbled together multiplayer campaign?

Yeah, I won’t be giving them any more of my money, I will be stealing their games from now on.

It may be a little racist, she ain’t lying tho.


you’re a dum comment

They are only ridiculous because they think that women are turned on by men that complain about a lot of things and try to get involved in their business on their behalf.

At least negging actually works.

I completely agree, as I look down upon you from this rarified air at 6'4"

I wouldn’t say me being an incredible asshole is a problem per se....

Listen, you successfully let everyone know that you’re a social justice warrior so congrats on that, whatever it’s worth... You keep ‘protecting’ women on the internet though. Women mind you, that care not about my OR your opinions of them.

I do that, and then they feel bad about themselves and then they work out harder...

Whats the problem?

Listen, theres nothing wrong with being into guys, but I’m not gonna partake in your strange sexual fantasies...

Yeah, its still really good, it can always be better though.

Looks like Bill isn’t the only one who is gonna get laid in the oval office!

Hey bro, boobs need armour too.

The suit isn’t tight or shiny enough and she could probably stand to mix a few more squats into her workout routine...

Not bad though.

I hope the next second baseman he slides into drops a knee into his temple.

I’m surprised Odor didn’t run into the stands and punch him in the mouth...

Haters gonna hate.

This is my summer Jam.

Man, that girl can take a punch.

Hey man, I have a small penis too, but I never thought that buying a ridiculous looking car would make girls forget about that fact!

Thanks for the hot tip!