
Or he treats his son normally because he doesn’t want his son to grow up a victim with a narrow outlook of what’s possible.

Date rape is OK depending on who the perp is?

It’s not funny or excusable. It’s date rape. Period.

Drunk women can’t consent. It’s the law. It’s rape. Preying on drunk women isn’t acceptable whether it’s a meathead frat boy or a Broadway star.

“[women] LET YOU do it” vs. bragging about preying on women during a holiday women are known to get blackout drunk.

Date raping overly intoxicated women who can’t give consent is always gross.

It’s preying when white frat boys hunt down drunk girls at a party ... it’s preying when black guys hunt down drunk girls on St Paddy’s Day.

I don’t think he’s telling his friends to go have great conversations with very drunk women...

People get shitfaced on St Paddy’s day. Don’t play dumb. It’s easy to prey on shitfaced girls is exactly what he meant.

Having sex with drunk woman is rape.

On a scale of 1 to 10, preying on shitfaced women is a 9 or 10. Date rape isn’t excusable.

Wasn’t one-off. His twitter history was full of tweets calling women things like hos, sluts, jump-offs, and advocated pursuing married white women for racial revenge.

He does have a history of tweeting vile things. His twitter was full of casually calling women things like whores, hos, sluts, and advocated black men pursuing married white women for revenge (whatever that means). He began deleting stuff yesterday - but folks saved them.

In several tweets he refers to women as sluts and hos and he advocates pursuing married white women for racial revenge. He began deleted them last night. A quick Google will turn them up, as people saved them.

They bully him day in and day out - he can’t say anything in return? Or does it trigger you when someone FINALLY pushes back against these rats in the media?

The Clintons are a crime family. If they had an Italian surname they’d already be in prison.

Perhaps they should report the news and lay off the condescending snark / DNC shilling? Perhaps they should stop emailing the Hillary campaign articles before emailing them to their editor. Perhaps they should stop going to Podesta dinner parties.

I’m sure he finds her hot, but she’s also a bitch, lies, exaggerates, and is condescending in her coverage of his campaign. Last I checked she’s a reporter...which used to be an impartial gig. Not anymore, obviously. She dishes it out, can’t blame him for responding.

Well, she got on her back (and knees) for old ass Keith Olberman for a few years, so...

100% of Katy’s reporting is snarky and condescending. She’s a DNC shill like every sycophant loon at MSNBC. Why does Donald have to pretend to be nice to her when they treat him like shit?