For lifting the veil off mental illness
For lifting the veil off mental illness
Thank you for writing that. I was trying to put together something that expressed admiration for her courage in so many areas, and you got it exactly right.
I’ve been upset and sad about a bunch of the celebrity deaths this year, but this is the first time I’ve been just straight up sobbing. I just don’t want this to be true.
Also, unfriended a person I knew from college who was making fun of people caring about her as Leia. Okay, assface, we get it that you’re above Star…
Thank you for everything, Carrie. For your bravery and charm and your refusal to shut up or give up. For lifting the veil off mental illness. For refusing to be ashamed. And most of all for showing my daughter that being a princess isn’t just about finding a prince. You will be so missed.
This is some fucking bullshit. Carrie Fisher—life idol to millions of women across generations for her strong…
I get the “lower your standards” one ALL the fucking time from my female friends! It makes me so mad! What the heck, so wanting a man who respects me as a human being and is willing to have a truly equal partnership is having “too high standards”? Well then, I most DEFINITELY prefer to be alone forever vs. being with…
Same here. I’d love it if a cure or safe-for-me treatment is found — mainly, I miss working — but accepting it was the only thing that made me not miserable about it. That was some years ago. I’m generally pretty happy now. Hermit life has its pluses!
It’s not the same thing in that it actually is a definite problem, but your piece reminds me of the way people react when I say that I’m sick* and I won’t be getting better for the foreseeable future – maybe never. Giving up on living a normal life was the greatest relief I’ve ever experienced, and as my family and I…
How to be perfectly unhappy
They do! I have literally been asked exactly that.
It’s just that society makes those of us who are alone (whether by choice or out of necessity) feel like losers/weirdos - especially during the holidays. Sigh.
This is resonating with me like mad. I’ve always known in my gut that I’d be alone. and your description of this purgatory we get placed in, this holding pattern, is spot on. I will say that for me, the loneliness has reached a peak this year, and I’ve never felt quite so low and un-connected to people. The idea that…
The ones that told you to lose weight can go fuck Ted Cruz.
Agreed. But as others noted, there is a societal pressure to reach milestones like marriage and procreating. For those of us who don’t, we’re made to feel like we failed at adulting, that there’s something wrong with us because we e failed to find a partner. There is still a societal stigma to being single and…
Thank you, Aimée, for this piece. It’s a wonderful expression of how we are meant to feel like our lives are still and empty because we aren’t in a relationship or aren’t pursuing one.
This really speaks to me. All of it. But for me it’s been six years without sex or even a kiss. (same amount of time single) The life celebration? YUP! I’ve thought about that a lot. That there will never be an event which all my friends will make 100% certain to attend for me. I’ve tried dating websites and found it…
I’ve never identified with a Jezebel post so much. I’ve been single for 15 years (I’m 30), not for lack of trying. I’ve given up trying to talk to my friends and family about how much it sucks and how much I’d love to have a partner because the reply is invariably “try harder. Lose weight. Join a club. Lower your…
A) Merry Christmas!
Nothing wrong with being alone, nothing.