I’m going to victim blame here and say that house shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
Needs More MAHK
That’s a typical experience from an owner. Most people hating on them have never owned or driven one.
The Escala is used in ads to help drive traffic to the dealer. It’s called the Cadillac Escala aid.
Fucking brilliant. I would buy that figure if the man himself confirms such a contest existing.
This is the reason you NEVER buy any used rental car. Those poor cars have been subject to real abuse.
I’ll take the Dodge Beelzebub, please....
I’ll be very glad when the dealership model finally dies.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Exactly. Shoot at cops, don’t be surprised when they shoot back and likely kill you.
I’m not sure if you can grab the ABC 7 live feed, but that’s the one I was watching... They had a much more zoomed-in camera on dude getting shot before cutting their feed. But the guy definitely took a gun out the bag and appeared to shoot at the cop that shot back at him.
Logical conclusion: If there are 1,000.000 of them out there they should be cheap.
Professional driver on a closed course while using Ford Advanced Traction control systems. **
A dealership involved in shady dealings? I’m Shocked! Shocked!