
Said the guy who probably has never been to Alabama... Put the prejudices aside and visit sometime.

Trust me. No one from Alabama is relocating to NY State. No one.

In other news, water is wet.

Shut up, Dad

But if you already have too many, you might as well have way more.

“because Harley isn’t comfortable with likely protests there.”

the facelift actually looks pretty nice. good job ford.

If true, this is an impressive win for the Trump camp.

You know your fries, sir.

Claire, I’m going to have to disagree with you on this. I’d rather pay for Five Guys fries because they are bigger and tastier than Smashburger.

Only part I agree is Gizmodo is new Gawker, although along with Deadspin.

Photos or it didn’t happen.

After you take measurements and tell the truck where that sticker is, the F-150 uses maths so that all you have to do behind the wheel is turn a knob in the direction you want the trailer to go.

It’s the new Ford developed ludicrous mode!

all fords will come with the hardware to shoot flames out the tailpipes, it will be up to the user to enable this feature via a software update...

I wish my car shot flames out of its tailpipe. I wouldn’t be complaining.

Check out the sign Shelly made for our work bathroom!

Isn’t a better question “Why Aren’t ALL Brand New Ford F-450's Shooting Flames Out Of Its Tailpipes?”

That’s metal as fuck. I don’t know that I’d want it fixed.

Well, he wanted to schwinn really badly. He cannon be dalenied.