To each their own. Your beetle, sorry, porsche’s engine sounds like ass compared to a domestic V8.
To each their own. Your beetle, sorry, porsche’s engine sounds like ass compared to a domestic V8.
Cars tend to crumple, not just elastically bounce back from the first extremity they meet.
That ain’t how physics works, though.
Ok, out of all the things that have been said on this website...this angers me the most. I love the WS6. I thought it always looked and performed better than it’s Chevy counterpart, and with the right mods, was an absolute beast.
Yes, I've seen that, but that's also just one test from one magazine. But on the track how was the 911 versus Corvette? To me, this is akin to the recent Jalopnik post comparing the 911 to the Stingray and saying "Well the 911 is obviously better. Look at what this European magazine said."
I seem to recall the…