
Reread his comment. He is saying that the bill would cost the public because it would cause the care of these athletes to fall to the public system.

This is exactly the reason. It isn’t a separation of Women and Men as the original comment called it. It is a distinction of Women and Open competitions. It is, basically, to increase women participation.

Nancy Pelosi has been one of the Republican boogeymen for years now. Pelosi and Soreos (always spelled wrong) are the only threats to America apparently.

“so fans are willing to take their sick kid to the doctor.”

I think he is defensive because this happens a lot (not saying you’re guilty of it though). Whenever big crowds/big money comes up for gaming competitions, there is always the one guy going to the easy criticism: “Can’t believe people watch people do what my 7 year old does in the living room”. These criticisms

It looks more like a series of replays after the play had already been called.

It is usually players who aren’t signed but want to show off for potential offers. Young guys or recently injured players often play too because their team wants them to get more practice before spring training starts.

Yeah, he really jinxed him there.

Don’t worry. At least one of them will be sad by the election.

This isn’t a “narrative” about the Cubs, it is a telling of how they actually won the game.

“nationals” is a common noun.

I was anti-Cleveland’s mascot since before the term SJW was invented.

3 world series in seven years

It clearly wasn’t a curve ball.