Tecumseh (formerly 5 Rings)

I think I see where you are going. Maybe the number superstars on that team is not the most important statistic if there are also members of the team that developed into solid first-teamers.

Two megastars from a single U-23 team are not enough to prove it is not a sure route to failure? How many would you like?

Obligatory blah blah culture of violence blah blah...

Di Maria is a donkey.

Honesty and self-awareness like yours is as admirable as it is rare.

Pure genius.

This choice is really perplexing since the event that prompted the discussion is a mass shooting, and reports on mass shootings indicate that the perpetrators are disproportionately while males.

My son had a kidney transplant and has a (mostly) insensate bladder (his brain doesn’t get a strong signal from his bladder that it is full, leading to accidents). There are products on the market to help people with these problems (diapers, pads, watches with multiple and variable alarms, etc.). This product would be

That ultra-soft-cottonelle foul on Thompson that gave the Pelicans a free throw and the ball couldn’t have been a makeup call for the Bogut holding they missed on Green’s and 1.

Having a wife and small children, I watch most games off the DVR and when the triple punishment is imposed, I move on to the next one in the queue. The triple punishment kills any hope of a competitive match and, especially in league play, usually results in virtually unwatchable soccer.

Look at that link you sent again. Those losses are only for "football operations" and exclude a number of revenue streams that make all of those clubs incredibly cash rich, including overseas TV deals. Do you really think that Man City and Liverpool were among the five least profitable clubs in the EPL?

Update: Having another incomprehensibly small, entirely dependent person was totally alien for about two days. And then it wasn't.

Employees, including athletes, are not indentured servants, so why on earth should one take less money to experience less success and professional fulfillment? Would any fan of any club do that himself for his self interested boss? This is especially hilarious if and when a player gets injured or has a dip in

I generally agree with and appreciate your article (Jozy makes me sad, the state and direction of the MLS is disappointing). However, like other commenters, I disagree with your assessment of Dempsey in the article and your response sounded like you had been swayed. No reason to get snippy.

So you have just disavowed what you wrote in your post. That should warrant an update.

More stars!

12 days til number 2 drops and I am realizing that I blocked all of this out (number 1 is 5).

I'm sorry that more people don't like your thing as much as you like your thing.

+1. Also cleats. I'll be impressed when Beckham pulls off those totally pedestrian plays in ballet flats.