These are also called “ninja rocks”.
These are also called “ninja rocks”.
Election is the unofficial sequel to Ferris Beuller’s Day Off.
Surprising that Dan “$70k minimum salary” Price isn’t on here. Dude is a sociopathic fraud and liar who mistreats employees.
TuneMyMusic doesn’t remember previous transfers, so you can use it for free for over 500 songs if you do it in separate instances.
Boycott Amazon this week.
Boycott Amazon this week.
I do not understand all the bile. I’ve been playing it since the 10th on a base PS4 (with some of the graphics options switched off) and enjoying it. There are some glitches, but it’s 99.9% playable. It’s nowhere near as bad as Skyrim, which nine years after it was released still has broken quests that you can’t…
This deserved to be a longer episode, or two episodes. The plot was fine, but everything was rushed and the writing suffered for it.
The prices on those D&D boardgames are no longer accurate.
The prices on those D&D boardgames are no longer accurate.
Gloomhaven is still $139.99 when I followed the link.
Gloomhaven is still $139.99 when I followed the link.
I got one of these when it was a kickstarter. “10-Year” hoodie is pure hyperbole. It’s a worn-out rag with cuffs so frayed they look like lace mesh at the ends after 3-4 years of semi-regular wear.
I got one of these when it was a kickstarter. “10-Year” hoodie is pure hyperbole. It’s a worn-out rag with cuffs so…
Is his power that he’s incredibly weak because his muscles were replaced by light beams?
Well I totally want to see it now!
Pretty meh. Ras ain’t got nothing on Dominik Omega.
I’m demoing Yukon Salon all weekend at PAX South!
That game is bananas, played it a bit at Ground Kontrol in Portland.
Best: Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made (2015)
So basically this is the space stage of Spore with better graphics?
Soooo…this is Monument Valley 2?
Agreed on the responsibility is on people to not be jerks. Being a creepy misogynistic jerk and a tabletop gamer are mutually exclusive things. My comment was regarding the reductive description. If the OP had said "the basement was full of creepy guys gaming" that would be accurate and not insinuate they were creepy b…