2-Lane Blacktop

Hey Hattie, Soon-Yi Previn is the adopted daughter of actress Mia Farrow and musician André Previn. “Zero Gravity” is not Allen’s memoir, but rather a collection of fictional stories. His memoir is his previous book entitled “Apropos of Nothing.” Even though you and your readers do not like Allen, as a journalist you

Hi, I’m Scarlet O’Reichwinger, and you may know me as a bible-banger, a mother of exactly 2.5 children, and a proud Q-Anon conservative, but I’m here to talk to you tonight as President Trump’s acting literal carpet, what people walk on. When I was old enough to know better years old, I was abducted by space aliens.

Hey Ishena, are you or anyone else in the Root (or Kinja generally) ever going to do anything about the deranged troll who’s been harassing another user by taking his name and spreading vicious racism and misogyny on thread after thread for months, maybe years now? Or are you going to sit around with your

FUCK Jalopnik readers who defend asshole drivers who attempt to murder people with their cars.

Oh please. they’ll have an insurance check in a week. A man was murdered here for god’s sake, senselessly, and then we expect people disenfranchised to have a powwow about what exactly should burn and on what day. The source of the problem is not the burned down burger joint. The source of the problem is a historic

Should have burned the police station instead. 

He knows his place. He’s another carnival barker. If he doesn’t keep pimping the rigged games, he’s out on his ass.

while I agree with your sentiment, getting your daughter vaccinated for hpv does not imply she or you are sluts or deviants. It may very well save her life one day. And it’s likely better for her to get it young; once she’s had a certain number of sexual partners in adulthood (a by no means large number, either) she

Any good doctor would have made that recommendation. You thinking he was implying you’re a floozy does not make any sense.

I could not be happier you aren’t my mother.