2 Wheels awesome!

I love watching omnivores taking advantage of a free buffet.

This is what pisses me off about Amazon. Sure you can buy all your bomb making stuff online, but it kills your local mom and pop bomb shop. That’s where you’re gonna get helpful advice about bombs making with a smile.

Are any Aggie pilots offended by this? If so, what would you doodle over the Austin area in retaliation? Bonus points of you make a recognizable drawing of a collie.


I’ve been saying something simple about this... If the town doesn’t want your business, they can suck a fat one. Don’t give them any of your money and see how their tune changes.

No coverage of the actions of Antifa in Portland over the weekend?

That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.

The worst? You don’t spend much time browsing liveleak, I guess.

Why does it seem more and more that yesterdays Reddit becomes todays Jalopnik

If I were a female driver being compared to Danica Patrick, this would be my response:

Because the pilots have balls so big they need a plane like that to carry them

But even then, you still think about keeping it. We’ve all been there.

Thank you... If anyone ever returned a beer and told me the glass wasn’t “beer clean” enough my eyes would roll back so far I’d see my brain.

Weird how many completely wrong posts are on here, glad people are correcting them.

Matt I’ve been following your various reports and there’s one common string...you are a real ignorant piece of shit Matt. > Half the turds you toss down the publishing route are fake, incompleat, unsourced, or just flat out fucking lies... dear god man... how the actual fuck are you still allowed to publish things?

This is ridiculous! There was no price gouging concerning the water at Best Buy or Home Depot. They sold the water for what they normally sold it for in the coolers individually x 12 or 24. There are literally hundreds of other stories to tell, yet you picked the one that’s a lie. You people make my head and heart

As a Houston resident, I believe I speak for 4,000,000 of my fellow citizens when I ask you to kindly go fuck yourself.

I hope you guys and any family you have in the area are safe! I’ve got family camped in the living room, and I’m going to be working with the libraries on recovering damaged materials.

It’s really nice to hear some heartwarming, feel good stories when everything else around seems to be running afoul.