
The only libertarians I know bitch bout the system while greatly benefitting without a care to change or improve it. They want it all for nothing.

Why don’t lazy fucks play their video games?

Thank you for clarifying. From what I read. Good work. Still agree with the individual commenter. Only because I find most “content creators,”add nothing.

Will there be enough content. $60 for barebones first one then a required season pass. Got less than a months play....lesson learned.

Lol, let’s look into the reporter’s and editor’s past too. To inform, because. Such fucktarded people, I look forward to karma dealing a few beatings to them. Then god forsaking them as well. She isn’t keen on stupidity.

I’d like this one to fall. Their management is too stupid. Renting a car would have been cheaper and faster. They wasred two+ hours on this ordeal.

Sadly true, but I will avoid United like the plague. What idiotic manager didn’t realize renting a car for 4 is easier. I don’t trust a company that can’t train people to think.

Nor should they. Neither would you.

Nintendo still has the people’s attention. Players complain and buy Xbones, but seeing time spent on Nintendo properties and the copies and youtube complaints. People care, it’s sad if Nintendo goes under.

Lol, i know. Wtf is Trump doing. Pushing for a bigger ship, that’s actually worse.

Nice work by the developer, but good for Nintendo. People make a ton of money off youtube by using the hard work of developers. Do they really add anything? Yes a lot of people watch these videos, but people are just lazy to play games themselves. Tournets and walkthroughs make sense. Some random person online playing

You’re awesome. I see the same thing. I was so excited during virtual boy and that tigers gear thing. All disappointing and while nicer looking

Good practice for hololens. But something real is needed. A fancy toy doesn’t mean shit to me here. Augmented reality at that price....

Hmm, i can see your point.

I like this actor and accent. It was unique. Story waa whh, but entertaining movie.

I like his accent

You might be right. But Trump painted himself into a corner to launch missles. He said he would act yesterday and kind of has to. I don’t know enough here or know if it’s a good decision, but a lot has been written bout inaction recently. Not sure the turnout, but gotta hope for the best now and hope we aren’t being


Oh she’s first lady and not in the historic way. History means nothing in Trunp presidency. This was the only thing good about it, i can say any fucking thing i want. Tweet it too. Before consequences kept idiocy in check. But now, natural selection is here.

Omg, so good. I am stealing chucklefucks and smarmy dipshit. Not sure its meaning, but so good. Also sorry bout the situation.