
Communism does not equal dictatorship. What communism is, is an impossible philosophy that has never been truly attempted. As it’s not possible.

Most of the articles make legit good if leftist points. You can’t just sit around while we let an entitled billionaire get the top seat in Education. A racist senator becomes attorney general.

Most of the articles make legit good if leftist points. You can’t just sit around while we let an entitled

I’m sad too. Mark Shepard is incredibly nice too.

All fucking idiots. Somehow a moron fets this seat. She has no idea, does not care to and has massive conflicts of interest. America will further divide due to her stupidity. This is assuming she continues her inept trend.

The commentor makes a point. Sometimes a supportinh character should not be the protagonist. I think this movie will be fine, though tip toeing that line. Will see this weekend.

2 of 4 movies I’ll see in theaters and they’re on the same weekend. Wtf.

Damn, it fooled me. I thought it was ridiculous that they opened the dome and allowed her to do something so risky on live tv. The drones sold it to me. I expected her to do a full live performance, but this makes some sense? Why even suspend yourself at all that high? Risk is still there.

The far right already decided that. See Trump rallies. Act tough, look tough, but are dumb.

I agree with so much of what you said. Except, the research and references for some argument. What exactly are the sources? I’ve listened to educated people quote other intelligent people, but miss the point.

I don’t know who he is, inmediately forget his name as well. The point to me is, it’s okay to fight nazis. It’s that or let them purge, which they mean kill, everyone. And I really enjoy it when tough idiots receive what the claim to be.

It sucks, they got injured a lot second half.

I agree. Let the fuckers eat their own chosen shit. We could have been more but some chose this. Best part is, we still bask in the previous president. How long will it last?

So this guy is actively deceiving the President? Wasn’t that Cheney?

Isn’t gym free recruitment for professional sports mixed in with some fun activities and learning so no one runs away.

Lincoln was amazing. The second irony is Pence praises while ignoring the fact Lincoln was recognizing a discriminated populace. Yet he wants to dictate who we can fuck. Why are these two trying drag us into the dark ages? This whole Russian thing is scary too. Wtf hapoened to Putin? He seemed moderate in the

Gamestop is an awful company. Not surprised. I avoid shopping there.

Constantine belongs in Vertigo. It was stupid of them to cancel Hellbkazer, try Jla dark and then start a new Hellblazer/Constantine book.

While she might be honest about being open, she clearly doesn’t understand the advantages of being white. But it is hard to pinpoint.

Me too. I am getting tired of it too.

At least it’s a good game. They use to pull this cut and sell crap with bad games too. Wasn’t it RE5 where they sold content as DLC already in disc? That was a bad game too.