Lisa Smith-Jones

Victim, schmictim. At least she landed hersekf a **MAN**!

Well duh, Laydeez have to be Laydeelike™ at all times so they can Be Responsible®!

Please tell me my response to you went through. :(

I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You don't need to say it; I understand. Far too many of us do.

Holy crap! Where to start...

Thats carmine, which is made from cochineal beetles - listed as either carmine or cochineal on foods and cosmetics.

HA! Omg, I'll probably say this accidentally the next time I order one. D'oh!

Yes! I was just thinking of this myself. I have one - instead of being in an alcohol base, it's in vegetable glycerin, which is vaguely sweet to begin with. It's real vanilla, too, not artificial, and i much prefer the flavour myself.

That's truly frightening. Ugh.