Luca Ballarati

I really hope underpaddles become the standard: right now each of my thumbs is responsible for pressing five buttons, which makes performing many actions in-game very choppy; fith FPSs in particular I just cannot perform any contestual action while defending myself, not without clawing, and clawing is *hard*. Which of

The are shaped like engrams, for Bob’s sake! Why in the world wouldn’t you pick them up?!?

“Inciting hatred”? I could sorta buy it if they said this guy was “Inciting indecency” or “Inciting law-breaking”, but hatred is not even marginally involved here. Anyway, this could set an important legal precedent for future trials in Russia: if Ruslan Sokolovsky is not found guilty, this will open a window of

Even if nerfed Gjallarhorn still has that cluster of homing rockets, which is good both for dealing massive damage to a single target AND spreading damage across multiple enemies. Anyway I think that preordering will just give you the GH earlier, but everyone else will still be able to get it eventually trough in-game