
You BoogieTruthers are relentless.

Update: Kings are mum on whether or not it’s Boogie Time.

Counterpoint: Nah.

This whole thing has been nothing short of fantasic. I’ve cried, laughed and thought. Jimmy V would be proud.

Jewish man... preaching to multi-enthic, multi-religious..folk and potentates and delivering game like that.. on national tv. That made for a great Friday and good send off to Ali.

A rabbi calling for the end of Israeli West Bank occupation. Hell yeah.

Man, that was fantastic.

Reminds me, the New Balance 408, part of the pedophile starter kit.

“Well, you can’t just lock up all of them. It would be too obvious.” - Ferguson Police Department

He’s no Gus Sinski, that’s for sure.

Manager Scott Bakula can get Timmy back on track.

To be fair, your overly sensitive (is there any other kind?) feminism makes you attractive to 0% of men and 100% of cis Jezebel readers.

Your juvenile chauvinism, however, makes you attractive to 0% of women, gay men and horny sheep.

Not to be that guy, but it’s RBF: Resting bitch face.

He's got money and fame. That should make him attractive to 80% of women.

Boogie is not ugly. And Boogie’s game is fucking beautiful. His grumpy oncourt look is the result of BRF: Bitchy Resting Face. BRF is involuntary; it happens when the neutral position of the face appears scowling or frowny. When Boogie smiles, he looks like a ginormous teddy bear.