
I’ll let everyone else fight about whether it was any good or not. For me, Game of Thrones was at its best here:

No matter what happens I’m sure the internet will be react well.

Never got any better than this for me.

This seems to be about the most blatant case of baiting the internet into fucking with you since that douche from Lifelock got hacked like a dozen times after giving out his social security number.

Works for me. Those Twilight movies sucked, but then I saw him in The Rover (2014) where he held his own opposite Guy Pearce. He’s been pretty great in everything I’ve seen him since then.

NOPE. Nothing about this has been smart, and there are most definitely not complex characters involved anymore. Diane went from nuanced and dignified on the old show to a one note, obsessed raving loon. Lucca got turned into an accessory for a shitty character and actor for the first two seasons, and now she’s a

Less like it’s got a sex dungeon full of dead little kids too.

It’s been decades since I was this excited about new comics. I started reading X-Men as a kid back in the 70's. Starting before I was even old enough to legally work, I was working in a comic shop (paid in trade til I was 15 and could get a work permit) where I spent most of the 80's smack dab in the middle of what I

You can argue it, but you’re wrong. Hell, they were even making Wild Wild West jokes on The Graham Norton Show the other night. Even if you think some of the audience were just laughing because Graham, Will, Naomi Scott, Taron Edgerton, and Jamie Bell were all laughing, that’s still most of a couple hundred people

You’ve got to bring in specialists to deal with that sort of thing.

It was kind of a mess but enjoyable enough in a few spots. Tina Fey stole the whole thing though, with Cherry Jones coming in a close second. Also enjoyed the Wendy & Lisa score along with The Revolution (sans Prince) doing “I Would Die 4 U” over the end credits.

different people (not even professional comedians!) repeating the same obvious jokes over and over again, with minimal variation.

And I’ll be old as shit........ If I’m even still alive, I’ll be 40 years old. 

For a second I thought we were getting a remake of this, from when I was a kid.

I watched it yesterday.  Sunday is still the weekend.

Finding you in the greys is always depressing.  Fucking kinja.

I think you’ll find that you posted literally a minute after I did so your comment admitting you were wrong wasn’t here. And you might want to keep in mind going forward that to actually pull off being as condescending as you’re trying to be you actually have to be right.