
Despite being a grown-ass nerd, I've managed to avoid significantly geeky card games (real or virtual) my entire life. That has finally changed as I've masochistically jumped into TES Legends face first. Perhaps you've already kicked my ass, perhaps you will in the future, but if you ever run into Puppetbreath (the

That's what my week has felt like, but less adorable.

Battlefield Earth - I worked at a theater at the time, so it was free and there was probably less than an hour left, but I believe it was the first film I've ever walked out on. Maybe it got better?

Only 3350??

Can we at least replace her with Scary Lucille Ball?

Please link to your Kickstarter

I'm pretty sure Trump already has him on that job too.

Eh - it's just me too. I have a pal that keeps pushing the trades on me. But after 5, I'm definitely done.

It was bound to happen.

I clicked on this link and read most of it.

This should just be transitioned to a big O'Reilly-Headed counter on the main page at this point.

"an environment that stigmatized mental illness"

If memory serves, they did a few two-parters that seemed to work - including the pilot…I think.

The typical time travel paradoxes in Timecrimes didn't bother me as much as they usually do in sci-fi. If I recall, Timecrimes had a magical realist/fairy tale quality that made me go along with it.

You're a monster!

Great work - you're well on your way! Now just make sure you hang around and criticize others' appreciation too!

The AV Club

Al Swearengen

Do you like popular music cues?

Why, is there a cool, post-credits scene?