Are you listening Affleck or whoever's gonna fuck up the next Batman movie??
We can still make this happen!
I thought I had heard that her rationale was that she was concerned who Trump's plan B would be, in relation to Carson. Which, given current circumstances, is scary reasonable.
His ghost is played by Hayden Christensen.
Whoa. Now do one about pizza!
Not with that attitude! Meme harder! There's no "I" in "meme"!
If you figure it out, please share it! ;)
Down, boy! I'm sure he doesn't mean it.
This looks great! I have Gareth Hinds's beautiful 2007 graphic novel of Beowulf, but even with a brief glossary, the translation is almost inscrutable on its own.
Love triangle murder-suicide with Wicket or I boycott.
What's this about an all-female Seinfeld reboot?
Great! Give somebody else a shot!
That image confirms my previously unknown need for Justin Theroux - Mad Scientist.
I've duct taped my old gaming laptop together and I'm hoping to game like it's 2009. I'm currently trying to digitally dl my old disc based EA games (Spore and Sims 2) and then on to Civ 4+mods!
And I'm fairly certain I'm an adult. I could very well also be childlike and/or creepy though.
You see that door right there, the one marked "Pirate"? You think a pirate lives in there?
Touche! I suck at recognizing actors :(
20 years ago some black men in my neighborhood called me "Greg" and laughed. I just looked it up on urban dictionary and it says it's a Scottish term for men who flirt with women when they're drunk. That explains the kilts, but I didn't realize my lady skills were so legendary. Your move, Racial Dialogue.
Peter Stormare has really let himself go :(